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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Happy Tree Friends :)

Movie or show ratings--G, PG13, PG18, R18, etc.
Ah.. but have you ever heard of
CV? Lols. It stands for Cartoon Violence.

From Mondo Media comes a brilliant but twisted cartoon show. It's definitely not made for small kids or big babies. Lol. It's amusing and cute..and barbaric and morbid. LOL. If you've never heard of
Happy Tree Friends... maaaahn, where have you been all your life? Haha. If you like South Park for the reason that Kenny keeps on dying, I recommend you watch HTF. Haha.

I remember how I used to watch an episode of this at least once a day. It was part of my daily routine. Enjoy a short HTF episode. They usually last for only a few minutes...for a reason. Haha. Cute cuddly things... :))

You can check out their website and meet the cast that never dies, haha. They have all the episodes there. And it loads fast anyway. It's faster to access it there than watch it on YouTube.
Click this Link--> Happy Tree Friends Website

Here's one, but it's from YouTube so try letting it load completely first. This episode's called
"Eye Candy" LMAO. But I kid you not, this one is sick. Haha :)) Enjoy!~