get inside my head. and then, get out.

but before you get out, leave a comment please. :p

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Oh no. Moodswing.

Sigh. Oh no. Here we go again..
One thing about me? I have the nastiest moodswings.

Well, no. It's not that nasty.. I don't go around throwing a bitch fit at everyone I see. Just that, i get moodswings for no reason at all. Or maybe there's a reason, but it's a reason that I fail to see. I mean, out of nowhere, i'm all smiles. And then I sit on a couch. And after that, i'm either pissed at the world or sighing out of total depression. No fake moodswings. No fake frowns. Or fake sighs. I kid you not. TOTAL MOOD SWING.

Oh jeez.

I don't know. Let me describe how I feel:
I feel like i absolutely have no purpose for being here. I have weird thoughts. And if I get weird moods.. Well, let's just say that WEIRD THOUGHTS + WEIRD MOOD = DEFINITELY NOT GOOD. I just want some quiet time. I need some alone time. I need to think things through. And so I think.

And I think... But I am thinking about nothing! It's being bothered by this nothingness that sooo haunts me. I'm not being emo. This is me. On a daily basis. This is a daily routine that I've been meaning to get rid of. But there has got to be a reason for these stupid mood swings to be ruining a completely good day.

So yeah. There's this certain nothingness bothering me. Maybe cause i'm doing nothing. Or maybe cause i'm thinking nothing. And my subconscious is just so inclined on doing and thinking something... I end up getting frustrated about this nothing, trying to turn it into a something, and still ending up with nothing! Oh deary, that doesn't even make sense. It's like I'm trying to rationalize something so petty as this.

Petty. Yeah, that's what this definitely is. But like I said, I go through this on a daily basis. Sometimes in a middle of a friendly chit-chat, sometimes in the middle of a class, sometimes in the middle of the street, sometimes in the middle of a good meal... I've thought about it. What triggers it. Nada. No answer. Again, nothingness.

Moodswing. Sigh. Oh no. Moodswing..