get inside my head. and then, get out.

but before you get out, leave a comment please. :p

Saturday, August 9, 2008

this week. hangover week. <3

well, it's a saturday today. my head hurts.
let's a have a look-see what happened to me this week..

since my classes in dlsu are only from mondays to thursdays, you can imagine it going by pretty fast. oh but SIGH ..sometimes it doesn't seem to be fast enough. Just like any other teenager, one can't wait for the weekend to come fast enough. And for me, my weekend starts at thursday night. yea-yuhhh. hehe.

Oh dear, but this week. Since the flyyy july party last saturday... I drank sunday night. monday night. and then tuesday night. Hence going to school half-tipsy and uber hungover on a monday morning, a tuesday morning and a wednesday morning. Oh dearrrr.. talk about getting all crunked up.

I could try explaining why i've been drinking so much. And eating so much. And bumming so much. And later on I realized, gaining weight so much. But please, I'd rather not. Not because I don't need to explain myself, but because I don't have any explanation at all. Haha. I've been a little lost lately. And that's entirely another story. :)

tomorrow's another week. so when i sleep tonight..and wake up to a sunday. SIGHHH.
i hate waking up to sundays. and mondays.